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Meet   the Team

Boscott Dance School was established in the early 1970's.  Sue Finch, one of their early pupils, is now the school's principal.  We are qualified teachers with the International Dance Teachers Association and have teachers and helpers who attend all classes providing extra support to our pupils. 

In addition to regular classes and private lessons short courses are held at certain times of the year in Salsa Rock & Roll and Sequence dancing. There are two venues Rowheath Pavilion and Weoley Hill Village Hall, on the Bournville Village Trust Estate, Birmingham.

A social night is held every Monday 20:00 - 22:00 at Rowheath Pavilion and we provide themed nights at various times of the year. Our lessons cover beginners, improvers, intermediate and advanced.

Dance awards are offered for pupils who like the extra challenge, followed by a presentation evening to celebrate achievements. 

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Sue - Principal

My life of dancing started in the 1970s when Brian and Barbara opened their first junior class at Quinton. I progressed through the IDTA medal system and entered medallist competitions until I took an interest in teaching. Whilst helping at the school in both junior and adult classes I gained my teaching skills and achieved the IDTA teaching qualification in 1993.


When Brian and Barbara made the decision to take a step back, I was delighted to have the opportunity to become the new principal of Boscott Dance School and begin a new exciting chapter of my life in dance. 

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Having begun dancing with the Boscott School at the age of 4 in the Rosette class, I progressed through the medal system and competed in Midland area medallist competitions. 2010 I moved into the adult classes and continued to progress through the award system.


2014 I started helping in the adult classes and became involved in the running of the school. In 2021 I graduated with a first-class degree in BSc Sound Engineering and Production (Hons) and now teach in all adult classes, private lessons and assist at our social events as well as helping with administration.


Barbara & Brian

Brian and I met at a ballroom dancing school in the 1950s. I had danced previously with a theatre school but Brian hadn’t danced before. In the mid-1970s we opened the Brian & Barbara Boscott School of Dancing having qualified with the IDTA in ballroom in 1974 and then Latin in 1982.


After teaching for almost 50 years, we decided it was time to hand it over to our friend and teacher Sue, but continue to provide private lessons and help in classes. In 2020 we were awarded Lifetime Membership of the IDTA.



I joined the Boscott Dance School in 2007 and immediately discovered a passion for dancing. It's a wonderful hobby for making new friends and providing a sense of confidence and achievement.  I have completed the IDTA amateur awards up to and including International Supreme 4 and I display my awards with pride. 

As a full time carer I have a natural empathy for people and enjoy spending my leisure time helping out in classes and during the Monday social evening. I love seeing people improve their dancing.

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